The following list of people are available during business hours to comment on the credibility, performance and character of Marshall Emerson with respect to real estate.

Nelson & Allison Perkins

Nelson cell:     720.272.4069
Allison cell:     303.638.0204

Richard McIllece

Rick cell:      303.332.8906


Allan & Lynn Berge

Allen cell:      303.746.4441

Tom Davey

Tom cell:      303.246.3609


Bradford Gorman

Brad cell:      303.355.9200

Graham & Hilary Gerlach

Home:     303.366.6682


Lindsay Brown

Lindsay work:      720.291.5151

Kurt & Cindy Kittleson

Kurt work:      303.568.3225


Michael Elliott

Mike cell:      303.748.6369

Dr. Norbert Voelkel

Norbert home:      303.722.2020


Hillary DePuy

Hillary cell:      303.748.1161

Dr. Angelika Voelkel

Angie home:      303.722.2020


Jeffrey Frost

Jeff cell:     703.731.6685

William (Bill) Ward

Bill cell:     303.668.4064


Chris Djorup

Chris work:     303.753.1485

Michael & Cherie Ginther

Michael work:    303.904.4335
Cherie work:       303.871.0700


Marjorie DePuy

Margorie cell:      303.548.4185

Jim & Alisa Copeland

Jim cell:      303.517.4248


Sally Matthews

Sally home:      303.471.8078

Jim & Shannon Hendry

Jim cell:     303.514.6956


Curtis & Amanda Keppler

Curt cell:      720.480.5133
Mandy cell:   303.888.1766

Jim & Helen Gorman

Jim work:       303-674-9816


Stephani Samaras

Stephani cell:      303.669.6379

Stacey Libbrecht

Stacey cell:      720.339.1045


Mark & Kate Jordan

Mark cell:     719.640.3469
